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Expose To Level Editor

ExposeToLevelEditor is one of the most important attributes in all of ALE. This attribute exposes your fields/properties to the level editor so that they can be efficiently changed and serialized at runtime.

When assigning the attribute onto your target field/property, you must assign an ID. The ID must be unique! The ID will be used by the serialization system to map your fields/properties. Changing/removing an ID can cause a loss of data when deserializing.

Exposed fields/properties are gathered in a specific order. First it collects all the fields in the exposed class. Then it collects all the properties. The order of your fields/properties in your file matter as that is the order they will be collected in. The order can, however, be overwritten with the order property mentioned below.


ExposeToLevelEditor comes with a few extra properties you can set to modify the exposed field/property.

  • customName Allows you to set a name that should be shown in the runtime inspector.
  • visible Allows you to hide the field/property from the runtime inspector. This does not stop it from being serialized.
  • order Sets the order in the runtime inspector. Higher means lower down.


using UnityEngine;
using Hertzole.ALE;

public class ExposedClass : MonoBehaviour
public int intValue;
[ExposeToLevelEditor(1, customName = "Text")] // Will show name as 'Text'
private string stringValue;
[ExposeToLevelEditor(2, visible = false)] // Will not show up in runtime inspector
public float FloatValue { get; set; }
[ExposeToLevelEditor(3, order = -10)] // Will be first in the runtime inspector
public byte ByteValue { get; set; }